Current events

When you are looking for current events than take a look on Dayhaps event platform.

Find current events at any location

Searching for events can be hard. If you look for current events you have to surf through the internet and visit a lot of websites. Dayhaps online agenda and event platform let users create, find, share and promote events. Finding current and upcoming events is made easy. Just give it a try: 

Find current events on Dayhaps

More about Dayhaps

With your Dayhaps profile you can see in one view what’s on your agenda for private as business appointments. Appointments in different category’s has their own color so u easily can select your priorities. You can create an event witch we call an hap(from happening) and invite all your friends or business contacts.

At Dayhaps you can search for the online agenda of your favorite sport team or band and with one click you can import their important events at your agenda. If there change anything about an event (like time or location) you receive a notification automatically and receive an notification. For the people who are interested, Dayhaps offers them the opportunity to create their own public agenda witch can be followed by any other Dayhaps-user worldwide.

Dayhaps offers also applications for mobile phones as Android and ipad /iphone. The most easy is that when u are at a place with many friends or family it’s easy to search for an day/time that everyone is available when u use your Dayhaps application.

Find current events on Dayhaps

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