Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Top 10 Best free Online Calendars Reviews

Hello All,

Welcome to my blog.
I will review all free calendars on the web available. Lot's of different calendars are out there but because most calendars are just not working I was thinking to do something about it.

So here we are.

Take a look at this blog the first review I will do is about the free online calendar Dayhaps.

Our top 10 best free online calendars, later in this post you will find more information about the calendars (our number 1 gets a little extra attention!):

1. Dayhaps.com 
Slogan: "Follow your favorite calendars."

Dayhaps has an free online calendar platform for web and for mobile applications and you can follow your favorite calendars and make them visible on your own calendar by simply browse through public calendars (click here to see how simple you can browse through the public calendars).

You can create, manage and share a personal and / or business calendar for free and manage your day by smartphone calendar and pc.
Beside that you can create public calenders which others can follow and when something changes all followers get an notification (perfect for family calendars or sportcalendars etc). Making appointments with friends and family (or businesscontacts) have never been this easy and it's totally free! Easily see when friends and family have their birthday by simply getting friends on Dayhaps.

Public calendars can easily been copy pasted to other websites so you can manage your websites calendars with Dayhaps beside your own calendar aswell!

The mobile applications communicate with web and are making sure that you will never loose any information.  So you can manage your calendar on you laptop or pc but allso with your Iphone, Ipad, Android and soon allso Blackberry.

- Easily invite friends and family
- share and manage calendars
- seperate Personal and Business
- receive reminders on phone and pc
- follow your favorite calendars
- start a public calendar so others can follow it
- get updated when a Hap changes
- import facebook and google calendar events
- import outlook and yahoo calendars
- free for web with free mobile applications

Dayhaps is just a great online agenda which fits all your needs.
Read more about Dayhaps soon by clicking here or go to www.dayhaps.com

If you are bored and looking for what to do when bored then Dayhaps is a great event platform as well.

Dayhaps free online calendar on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dayhaps_Calendar

2. Google Calendar

Most people know Google as a search engine but still they have a nice calendar. Google calendar lets people manage their Day on the pc or laptop.

Inviting others and communication with devices is not really there but for the office Google Apps may be a very good solution. 1 thing, Google Apps is not free!

3. Yahoo Calendar.

Yahoo calendar is a nice and friendly calendar. Nice for managing your own day. ICS sychronisation and its an free online calendar. So very nice for pc or laptop.

Export yahoo calendar in excel import other events.